The most interesting part was, after performing our terawih we end up hugging each other then continued singing the Hari Raya song again. While we were busily talking about preparation for Hari raya, quietly Hamzah took out his karaoke set ...wah apalagi berebut-rebut nak pegang microphone. First, we were entertained by Aji Syukur with his 'My way' then unexpectedly our cikgu Roza showing off her hidden talent where she almost controlled the microphone bawak bermacam-macam jenis lagu. Even lagu Micheal Jackson "Beat-it" pun dia boleh bawak. eh..eheh .. boleh tahan cikgu discipline kitani. Our next highligthed of the night was our Abang Long Sayed Rafiee , the best performer of the night sang his favourite song until he danced on the spot. Everybody started to scream and laughed at him thus ada yang sindir him 'maklumlah 2 hari lagi nak balik' . hehe I think he might have that different kind of feeling....whereas he keep on saying 'dah tiga bulan lah tak balik' The funniest moment that we enjoy ever. At that moment too I realised that for us who are staying abroad thus away from families might feel lonely if we are reluctant to gather around and makes friend. Luckily we are a person who like to get along with others. tapi kadang2 kena tengok jenis kawan jugak.
Well, we ended our awesome night around 10.30 . After finished up with the clearing we went back beramai2 macam orang baru balik dari panggung wayang pulak. Besides that we also planned for our Takbir night which is going to be held at my house pulak.......... SELAMAT HARI RAYA..........MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN
Wah.. meriahnya!! Miss those kind of gathering n crowds. Good to see new faces n all of u enjoyed each other. I know u very well my friend, u can easily suite yourself in any occasions. I was just talking to zul abt u n Haji. About how we started with three of our family (inc Prof) n how the crowd over there now had growth. The best stay abroad that I ever had in my life!
eiii... sedih nya bila i kenangkan u musim raya ni.. kalau u all ada lagi bestkan. I knew that u will miss with this kind of environment.
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